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Judy will fight for a township that cares for our elders and educates our children, and she will work hard to provide a healthy and prosperous community for all of us. In the months ahead, Judy will lay out specific policies about a number of issues that matter to you.  



Judy is a working mom and wife whose highest priority is to make sure that Haverford Township is responsive to our families’ needs and remains a great place to live. As your Commissioner, she will focus on:

  • Creating and maintaining safe parks and playgrounds and preserving open spaces for everyone’s enjoyment.
  • Investing in local amenities and small businesses, including our public library and local restaurants.
  • Finding new grant sources to fund projects and support businesses by capitalizing on her experience with state and local grants.
  • Improving traffic on West Chester Pike and throughout the Township so that we all have easier commutes.
  • Collaborating with our School Board to ensure an excellent public education experience for our Township’s students.
  • Providing timely communication to constituents with Township news, events, and resources.


Within the next ten years, Haverford Township will see a rapid increase in the number of older adults living in the community due to the aging Baby Boomer population. Issues affecting this generation are as relevant as ever, and yet seniors are often forgotten about when considering how to make a community more livable. Older adults are a vital thread to our community’s fabric – they are our neighbors, volunteers, and caretakers. So, we need to make sure that they have access to resources that allow them to remain in their homes for as long as they desire. As your Commissioner, Judy will: 

  • Partner with nonprofit organizations that provide a safety net to seniors to enhance their work.
  • Ensure that seniors-in-need have access to nutritious and affordable food options through the support of food pantries.
  • Look for ways to increase transportation options for older adults so that they can enjoy Haverford Township’s amenities.
  • Ensure that seniors have a voice in the Comprehensive Plan currently in formation.



Over the past decade, we’ve seen a significant increase in flooding. Families are experiencing unprecedented incidents of flooding in their homes and on their streets. Judy plans to: 

  • Work with utility companies to ensure that they are updating and investing in our community’s stormwater management infrastructure.
  • Advocate for the use of permeable pavement, pavers, or other water mitigation solutions when new projects are considered.
  • Ensure more investment in green infrastructure, such as rain barrels and rain gardens.